Modern facilities
The A.C Rachis Pierias “O AGIOS LOUKAS” maintains a state-of-the-art unit whose modern facilities ensure the preservation of the fruits’ distinguished quality and the excellent product standardization.

Hydrocooler has the ability to cool the cherries from the ambient temperature (20°C-40°C), which they have when coming from the fields to the facilities of the sorting unit. The hydrocooler has a capacity of 6 tons/hour.
Refrigeration Chambers
Today there are 6 refrigerator chambers, with capacity of 700 tons, which operate with glycol which is absolutely environmentally friendly. The glycol is cooled in the engine-room with the eco-Freon R507.

Cherry Calibrator
It was installed in 2024 and it is a completely automatic electronic calibration-machine with a smart cherry sorting system by Unitec. The new calibrator consists of 6 lines and 14 exits and has the ability to make electronic registration of cherries (with cameras) in size and color with total capacity 4 tons/hour. The circulation of cherries in the line takes place exclusively with cold water, so that the the low temperature of the products is achieved at all times.
Fruits Calibrator
It was installed in 2024 and it is a round-shaped fruit Calibrator (apricots, apples, pears, kiwis, tomatoes etc). This new calibrator allows the sorting of fruits by size (diameter), weight and colour. It disposes 2 flow lines and 12 exits with capacity 4 tons/hour.

Strapping Machine
The products, after grading on size and color, are placed on pallets that are tied to the automatic strapping machine and then forwarded to refrigeration chambers with electric pallet trucks and forklifts.
Washing Machine
The growers harvest the fruits in branded plastic boxes they get from the Cooperative. Plastic boxes are washed and sanitized before and during harvesting.

Agricultural Pesticides Retailer
The cultivation of our products is controlled completely by the cooperative and the cultivation cares and sprays and nutrition are performed after the advice of the supervisor agronomist and technical consultant, who in cooperation with the Administrative Council and the producer-members propose and implement the best solutions for crop protection and nutrition of cherries. The Cooperative gets the formulations and their disposal to the members takes place via sms to qualify each application at the appropriate time, with appropriate weather conditions and appropriate preparation.